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Assistant Directors: Alexa A. & Natalie S.


Lexi S.

Scholarship Director



The Scholarship Director oversees the various scholarship opportunities Panhellenic offers. The director also encourages good study habits and dedication to schoolwork for all students at the University of Florida. Scholarship month is the main outlet the Panhellenic Council uses to spread positive study habits. During each week in February, the scholarship team and director plan different events to remind students to stress less and study hard!

Lexie R.

Health & Wellness Director



Assistant Director: Olivia M.


The Health and Wellness Director serves as a liaison between RecSports and the Panhellenic Community. This director continues to promote a healthy lifestyle through sports in the Panhellenic Community, increase participation within intramurals, and plan events to focus on mental health. 

The Directors of the Junior Panhellenic Council serve as the go-tos for the entire Junior Panhellenic Council. These directors work with six assistant directors to ensure that the Junior Pan program runs smoothly each year. Responsibilities for this position include coordinating presentations for all new members of each chapter, conducting interviews, facilitating weekly Junior Pan meetings, and coordinating with the assistant directors to see that all Junior Pan events are successful. 

Caroline A. 

Junior Panhellenic

Council Director

 Samantha S.

Junior Panhellenic

Council Director



Executive Asst. Director: Madi W.

Communications Asst. Director: Avery D.

Service Asst. Director: Nina L.

Philanthropic Events Asst. Director: Rosey L.

Community Events Asst. Director: Ava A.



Assistant Directors: Estafania C. & Emily R.

Lexie T.

Service Director

The Service Director oversees all philanthropic initiatives for the Panhellenic Council. The service team designs, organizes, and directly coordinates all service-related events in the Panhellenic community, including with our Panhellenic philanthropy, Circle of Sisterhood. Along with monthly fundraisers for this philanthropy, the Service Director coordinates hands-on service projects with local organizations, organizes large-scale service drives among the Panhellenic Community, and partners with other councils to achieve their individual philanthropic goals. 

Ella W.

Sister Support Ambassadors Director



Ambassador Engagement Director: Alyssa C.

AE Asst. Directors: Holly B. & Hope M.

Programming and Outreach Director: Ashley H.

P&O Asst. Directors: Mae D. & Emily P.

Public Relations Director: Bailey R.

PR Asst. Directors: Aubrey K. & Jane R.


Sister Support Ambassadors provide resources and support to women in the Panhellenic community regarding sexual assault and mental health counseling. Campus women can seek support through the Panhellenic website by either referring a friend or submitting a request to personally speak to an ambassador. The SSA Director oversees and trains all forty-plus ambassadors, creates events that facilitate conversations about sexual assault awareness on campus, and strives to cultivate a community of women who empower and support one another. 




Assistant Directors: Emily N., Ella S. & Isabella T.



Danielle W.

Special Events Director

The Special Events Director oversees the organization and execution of Around the Row, Panhellenic’s annual philanthropy where every chapter brings food that represents their chapter to Norman Field for everyone to enjoy. This position also has some flexibility to create new events for the Panhellenic Community, including Women’s Empowerment Day, Panhellenic Pride Week, etc. This director often works with other directors to make events inter-council, SSA, or service-related. 



Public Relations Asst. Director: Jess P.

Website Asst. Director: Susannah G.

Photo Asst. Director: Ariel R.

Video Asst. Director: Katrina L.


Maya V.

Public Relations Director

The Public Relations Director maintains the UF Panhellenic Instagram and Facebook accounts, as well as oversees any other social media or website-related content. The PR team’s efforts are intended to promote the service, leadership, and social aspects of the Panhellenic chapters and build relationships with primary stakeholders including chapter women, potential new members, and donors. 

Hayli B.
Graphic Design Director



Assistant Directors: Alexa G. & Cece O.

The Graphic Design Director assists in designing the official website for the UF Panhellenic Council as well as creates a style guide that sets the stage for all graphics that the UF Panhellenic Council produces throughout the year. This position works closely with the PR Director to match the organization’s brand by creating custom content and graphics. 

Samantha E.

Community Engagement Director



Assistant Directors: Caroline A. & Quynh N.


The Community Engagement Director ensures that all new members are educated on all community collaborative programming that is put on by the Panhellenic Council. The director works with the Community Engagement chairs from all 18 chapters to assist them in finding educational resources to enhance their chapter’s inclusivity efforts. Additionally, part of this role is planning council-wide events aimed at creating a more inclusive culture and bringing members together. 

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