What does it mean to be a Panhellenic woman?
A Panhellenic woman has many facets. She is involved in an array of community activities, and she is one of the most visible and active leaders on campus. She dedicates countless hours to various philanthropy events while still excelling in the classroom and forging new friendships.
While this is what all Panhellenic women have in common, what sets them apart from each other is their extreme sense of self. When each woman joins a chapter, she is celebrated for her originality and has the chance to grow these qualities in an organization run by women, for women.
Each chapter benefits its members in specific and unique ways.
"When I came to college I had so many ideas of what sorority life is like. I thought I would be a clone of one in a thousand that has to be just like everyone else or that girls only cared about how they looked and what they wore. What I found out about sorority life is the absolute opposite. Coming from a family where no one was a Panhellenic Woman I was nervous about joining a sorority, and now I am so grateful I took the chance. I have been very involved with my chapter as a member of the executive board and in the Panhellenic Council as a Pi Chi. Both of these involvements have shaped my entire experience at UF for the better, teaching me valuable skills of leadership, organization, and professionalism. Who would have thought the girl who wasn't sure about joining a sorority would be running it? My preconceived idea that my sorority sisters would force me into their mold was so wrong; instead, these girls, my best friends, have pushed me to follow my heart and given me the confidence to take risks. They embrace my weird self that forces them to watch cute goat videos, geeks out about sustainable living, dances like a total goofball, and raps Childish Gambino. These women also hold me when I'm feeling devastated and worthless so that I can get back on my feet again. They're there to pick me up from my lows and vibe with me at my highs. I am proud to be a Panhellenic Woman because the women of these organizations have been the greatest aid to the successes I've made at UF."
Audrey M.
"In my family, there is a long line of Gator Students and Greeks! When I was accepted into UF, I was very quick to decide to go through the process of Primary Recruitment. In fact, I was PNM #71! After seeing the impacts that Panhellenic had on my family members, I knew this was a community I wanted to be a part of. I saw how my big sister grew within the Panhellenic community as an executive member within her chapter and as a successful student. I see how both my mom and dad hold relationships with members of their chapters and how they still converse about “the good ole days” at UF. When it became my turn to experience the Panhellenic Council, I was looking for not just one chapter that will value me, but rather a community that will help me grow throughout my time in college. At the end of Primary Recruitment when I ran off the bid day bus and into the arms of my soon to be sisters, I knew I had found that place. Since my freshman year, I have been given opportunities on campus and within my chapter that has helped me to become a better member of society. These opportunities include volunteering within Gainesville, fostering new relationships, and gaining leadership roles such as a Chapter Officer and a Pi Chi! However, it’s not just the community that has helped me grow, it’s also the people within this community. I have never met so many women who are so passionate, supportive, and loving beyond belief! I seriously have not smiled as much as I have within the past two years of my time within Panhellenic. All of what I have said proves how sorority life is nothing like what social media portrays it to be. It is so much more than pretty dresses and loud chants, it is a bond between community and campus that creates the strong, leading women of our future."
Rachel E.
"Growing up an only child, I didn't have any experience with siblings, let alone sisters, so when I decided to go through recruitment, I had absolutely no idea what to expect. Instead of the stereotypical, super girly image I had in my head, I was introduced to a group of diverse women who genuinely wanted to get to know me and help me acclimate to college life. This feeling was further amplified when I became a Panhellenic Counselor, Pi Chi for short, and my network of friends extended from my individual chapter to all 18 chapters on campus. My fellow Pi Chis have encouraged me to be my most genuine and best self, and I couldn't ask for more. Going Greek isn't just about your individual letters, it's about contributing to something bigger and creating a unified community of women who have shared values."​
Grace G.
"It can feel overwhelming while adjusting to college life. Joining a chapter at UF gave me a family and close friends that I could rely on no matter what. It felt like skipping all of the awkward stages of a new friendship because you know they see you for your values and who you truly are. I feel so lucky to be surrounded by women who inspire me every day and remind me of qualities in myself that I struggle to see. It has provided so many opportunities to pursue my passions and develop myself even further. My time as an executive board member of my chapter and Panhellenic counselor has shaped my life so much and I can't imagine my college experience without it."
Jenna D.