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Gamma Phi Beta: A Note from Our MVP

Sorority recruitment is an exciting yet overwhelming time. I was never really sure if going

through recruitment would be something that I would be interested in, but thought I would try it out anyway. I had just moved from New York and only knew one other person going to UF, so I was already feeling very out of place. At the beginning of recruitment, I never imagined that I would find a chapter that felt like a home away from home, but I remained hopeful. It wasn’t always easy. Recruitment week is emotionally draining, and physically exhausting, and there were times where I wondered if the stress was even worth the result. When I ran home to Gamma Phi Beta, I still wasn't sure what to expect. The whole week leading up to Bid Day was a blur, and I hadn't even started my first day of college yet. However, I quickly realized that I had run home to the chapter that perfectly embodied everything I was looking for. Not only was the environment incredibly welcoming and kind, but I also was overwhelmed by the immediate love that I felt from every single sister there. My first year was absolutely amazing–I made tons of new friends, went on lots of fun trips with my sisters, and got to learn everything there is to learn about what Gamma Phi Beta had to offer. After COVID, I felt disconnected from the University of Florida as a whole, but Gamma Phi Beta provided me a comfort during that time that I did not know I needed until that moment. I knew that I wanted to give back to this chapter in a big way, and after being elected for the executive council as the Membership Vice President, it felt like a very full circle moment from when I was a PNM sitting under the tent, anxiously waiting for each party. Your time in your chapter flies by. I am now heading into my senior year, and can’t help but think (although cliche) about how quickly college has gone. But there is one thing that I will hold onto forever, and that is my love for Gamma Phi Beta, and the women that have shaped my college experience into what it is today. So, to all the newest members of the panhellenic community, enjoy it! Soak up every moment! You will never regret becoming a part of this community, and meeting your forever best friends.


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