Hear from a few of our community members on why this value important to them and how being a part of the Panhellenic community helped them further this value or feel connected to it!
"After arriving on UF’s campus and completing recruitment, I quickly realized what my older sisters in ADPi had accomplished, not only for themselves, but for the greater good of all Gators. They are connected, fulfilled, and moving UF and its students forward! Involvement on campus has always been a goal of mine, and the Panhellenic Community gives me the confidence, support, and love to keep striving to make a difference while also mentoring the next generation of leaders in my sorority!" - Lilly Gunby, Alpha Delta Pi
"Leadership has always been an important value in my life because it encourages me to step out of my comfort zone and try new things I would otherwise never experience. The Panhellenic women I am surrounded by at UF are some of my biggest inspirations, as they always show me what it means to be a great leader and always support me in my roles when I need it most!" - Lauren Maya, Chi Omega
"Throughout high school and college, leadership has always been such an important value and passion of mine. Serving as Chapter President this year has taught me so many things about myself, my sorority, and the amazing community of women within the Panhellenic Council. When I was a PNM, I never could have imagined myself in this role or predicted how much it has helped me grow. I have found so much support from all of the women around me in all of my leadership roles and I have been inspired by the amazing things that we can do together. Being able to meet and become friends with the other Panhellenic presidents has taught me so much and brought me closer to women in other chapters. I am so thankful for all of the leadership opportunities I have had in Delta Zeta and how the Panhellenic community has shared these with me💗" - Kennedy Cobb, Delta Zeta
"To me, leadership is a way to change a little corner of the world for the better. It is standing up for what you believe in, being a beacon of support for others, and making impactful change. Leadership can be serving a formal role or as simple as holding a door open. Throughout my time at UF, one of my proudest leadership roles is becoming president of Right Foot Florida, a club that I started with a fellow sister that benefits the underprivileged community of Gainesville through service and fundraising. I am extremely grateful for all the Panhellenic women who have supported Right Foot, and especially for the panhellenic tradition of leadership and service that uplifts and enhances opportunities for women to lead. I am specifically grateful for the women in Kappa Kappa Gamma.Their inspiration and support during my time in our chapter is the majority of the reason I have pursued many of my leadership roles and now have the honor to serve as our new member experience director. To the PNM’s, I am excited for you to embark on your journey at UF. I wish you the best of luck in finding your corner of the world to improve! - Ashley Pitzl, Kappa Kappa Gamma
"This year I served as the Panhellenic delegate for my chapter. This was an amazing leadership position that allowed me to flourish in my first year of college. While attending junior pan meetings as well as planning the GGG event, I was able to assist my chapter in making this year a memorable one for all. I feel immensely connected to Panhellenic, and am grateful for all of the wonderful friendships, philanthropy, and events, that comes from it." - Julia Eiglarsh, Kappa Alpha Theta
"The concept of leadership when speaking in terms of ZTA is one that is hard to put into words. So much goes into making zeta what it is and without every moving part it would simply not be the same. I think leadership means a lot of different things to us. Not necessarily a title or limited to an executive board, there are so many ways to be a leader in this chapter, and so many opportunities to show up for your sisters. More than anything, leadership means setting the example for those to come, it means showing up for yourself and others, and being reliable and consistent with your efforts to make this chapter all that it is. Being part of Panhellenic has only aided my inspiration to push me further within my ZTA endeavors and outside, getting involved in Panhellenic groups like sisterhood support and more. I think leadership stems from inspiration, and I have found enough inspiration to last me lifetimes at ZTA." - Emma Avchen, Zeta Tau Alpha